Archive for June, 2010

Thank You…So Far: A CALL TO ACTION!

Dear People of the Internet,

To everyone visiting this blog, I have something to say: Thank you.

In the short 9 days since I’ve started this blog, it has attracted nearly 3,000 views. That’s not a lot by some standards, but to me…it means something.

But, this blog is far from being finished. I’ve put a lot of effort into maintaining this blog, into submitting high quality posts, and into bringing you something to laugh at, or something to think about.

I’m sending out a call to action. It’s your choice whether to want to help me or not.

If you like this blog, post its link as your Facebook status, become a fan on Facebook, and/or share the link you link best with your friends.

For this, I will be eternally grateful. There’s not much more I can say.

Thank you for a rousing first week. I look forward to writing for you in the future.



Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Ever read an article about a billionaire, celebrity, “good-doer”, or hero and think, Wow, where is my life going? Why am I stuck here? Why do I suck?

Ever meet up with a friend who has more money than you and think, Why can’t I be like him/her?

Ever cry because you just plain hate your life?

Friends, each and every one of us has felt sorry for ourselves at some point in our lives. Its a part of our human nature to want to be better than everyone else.

But nobody is better than anyone. Let’s make that really clear.

Ever tell a story at a party, just to have someone say, “Well, wait ’till you hear this one!” and proceed to tell a “better” story? You felt like crap, didn’t you? Don’t lie to yourself. Or me.

The more I think about my life, the more I wonder, Where is it going? Why am I stuck where I am? Why can’t I do something worthwhile?

I try so hard. And it seems like every time, I fail.

But at least I try.

I can’t bother to feel sorry for myself anymore. “Slumps” are part of life. Like in that Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You’ll Go. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy.

“You’ll come down from the Lurch with an unpleasant bump. And the chances are, then, that you’ll be in a Slump.  And when you’re in a Slump, you’re not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done.” -Dr. Seuss

I can’t help but think that my problems are incomparable to the problems of some other people. For example, what about the children in third-world countries? What about the families who live on less than 2 dollars a day in Africa?

I can’t help but wonder what my life would be like if I were born into that type of situation. Moreover, what would I be like as a person?

This isn’t a very humorous post, I know. But this is a blog about stuff you and I should hate. And this is one of those things that you should hate.

We need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves. Where does it take us? Nowhere. Feeling sorry for yourself takes you absolutely nowhere. In fact, it holds you back from what may lie ahead. If you sit in a “slump” too long, you might miss out on a great opportunity to better your life.

So, un-slump yourself! Easier said than done, I know. But once you do it, you can move on to bigger and better things.

“Somehow you’ll escape all that waiting and staying. You’ll find the bright places where Boom Bands are playing. With banner flip-flapping, once more you’ll ride high! Ready for anything under the sky. Ready because you’re that kind of a guy!” -Dr. Seuss

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Having “One of Those Days”

Ever go through a day just wishing it would end? Well, then you’ve probably experienced “one of those days”.

It probably started off bad. Maybe, when you hopped in the shower that morning, you lost hot water. Or, as you walked down the stairs, you slipped and fell and smacked your head on the bottom stair. Maybe, when you got out of bed you hit your head on the ceiling fan, and in your morning stupor, didn’t realize it until you did it a second time. Or, when you poured the milk into your cereal, it was sour and your breakfast was ruined.

Whatever happened that morning, everything that happened afterward just wasn’t any better.

You probably started your car and found that you had no gas. So, you drove to the gas station only to find that you had forgotten your wallet at home. So, you quickly rush back home. But on the way back to the gas station, your car just simply gives up and runs out of gas.

So, you have to call a tow truck to bring you gas. The tow truck takes awhile to get there. Luckily, your car stopped near a Dunkin’ Donuts. So, despite your breakfast being ruined, you managed to get some hot coffee. And spill it all over your clean white shirt on the first sip (because naturally, on days like this, the lid will always fall off).

Once the tow truck arrives, and you have enough gas to make it to the gas station to get some more, you pay the driver a hefty sum and drive off. Now your car is filled up and ready to go.

You get to work to find out, due to your morning mishaps, you missed an important meeting. On top of that, all of your co-workers can’t stop staring at the big, dark stain on your shirt from the spilled coffee. Because yes, you couldn’t go home to change. You were already late for work.

So, lunchtime comes around. You decided to bring lunch today rather than buy it because times are tough. You packed a delicious meal the night before and didn’t bother to look at it this morning. You open it up to find that the bread on your sandwich has molded slightly because you accidentally left it out all night. And you would buy lunch, but you just spent way too much money on your morning mishaps that you don’t have enough cash/credit.

So you go hungry until you leave work. As you start to walk outside, it begins to rain. And your car is parked all the way on the other side of the lot because, after all, you were late.

Wouldn't it suck if rain followed you?

You arrive home successfully, only after driving through maximized rush hour traffic due to the rain and a three car accident that blocked up the highway during your commute. You unlock your front door to find you left a window open, and the rain had poured in for the past two hours. You immediately shut  the window, and turn around to start cleaning up the mess, but end up slipping on a puddle and smacking your head on the floor.

After tending your damaged head and cleaning up the mess, its time to eat some dinner. You choose to have leftovers because, after a day like today, you don’t want to risk cooking. You grab a carton of leftover Chinese, and subsequently, you knock over a Tupperware container that’s filled with some creamy leftover soup.

And it spills all over the floor.

You stick the Chinese in the microwave while you clean up yet another mess. It surprisingly doesn’t take you that long to clean up.

At this point, you’re ravenous for food because you skipped lunch, so you grab the Chinese and immediately stick a forkful in your mouth before sitting down. It seems as though you’ve  put it in the microwave for a little too long because the delicious food scalds the inside of your mouth.

After downing a glass of water, you finish your Asian meal. You take a seat at your desk to check your personal email, but the chair seems to give way, and you fall straight to the ground.

You pull up another chair and begin checking your email only to find that you have none. And you leave your desk feeling unloved.

You lay down in bed because, after today’s events, you can’t fathom doing anything else. You immediately fall asleep, too depressed to do anything else.

You’ve just had “one of those days”. And it sucked.


This guy had “one of those days”:

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I don’t know about you, but when I get a notice from the bank saying I’m overdrawn, it makes me want to cry.

And with online banking all the rage, it’s even easier to find out that you have no money.

For those of us living paycheck to paycheck (or maybe in this economy, you have no paycheck), it can be hard to control your funds. It’s difficult to find ways to cut spending and maximize the money you do have. That is, if you have it. And overdrawing a bank account is just one of the many ways that banks are telling you, “You lose.”

And once you “lose”, you lose big. Let’s not forget that, besides the thought of having negative dollars in your bank account, you have to now pay overdraft fees, which amount to more negative dollars. And they add up if you don’t come up with the money quick enough.

And then, because you’re busy trying to bring your bank account in the green, you can’t pay your other bills. Phone bill, credit card bill, etc. So, you end up paying late fees and interest on those. And it just adds up to more and more money.

And then, guess what else happens? Your credit score goes down.

You know what I have to say? Screw banks, screw credit cards, screw credit scores. Just because I don’t make enough money to live in today’s society doesn’t mean that I’m a bad person.

But, they sure make you feel that way, don’t they?

Frankly, I’m going to keep my cash under my mattress. It seems a lot safer, anyway.

Oh, do I wish this was me.

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Immature Car Horn Usage

I’m pretty convinced everyone knows what it feels like to be honked at.

Personally, I get all shaky and nervous. Whether it was a deserved honk or not, my body just freaks out.

But what about those people who honk at you when there’s 267 other cars in front of you, and you have nowhere to go? Or how about when you’re at a red light trying to make a right turn, and you really can’t because there’s too many cars coming down the road? Or what about when you’re walking down the street (maybe to get some exercise) and some jerk blows their horn and shouts, “How much?!” or “YEAH!” or something to that effect?

We’ve all been there in some respect. And it’s just downright rude, obnoxious, and annoying.

And you know what? They’re loud. Really loud. Ever walk in front of a car just to have your friend blow the horn so you practically crap your pants?

Unfortunately, we need our car horns to alert drivers when they commit some type of douchebaggery. Like if they pull out in front of you and cut you off.

They can also be used at night on sleepy drivers when the driver falls asleep at a red light, and doesn’t realize that it’s changed to green.

Check this out! I’m not a huge proponent of Saturday Night Live, but I thought this one was funny.

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